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The Geometry of Fish

   |   External Anatomy   |   Mouth & Fins   |

Some basic information with some very basic animation about how fish are built. The first diagram is of the main fins present on most fish, along with several different types of tail fins/caudal fins. Secondly, is a diagram of other features, as well as different types of fish mouths.

   |   External Anatomy

   |   Mouth & Fins

As Darwin would tell you, different environments arise different adaptations. The reason fish have various forms of caudal fins or mouths is because of how they have adapted, or evolved, to meet their needs within their environment. For example, some fish that feed on the surface have an upturned, "superior" mouth, while those that feed on the bottom, such as catfish, have downturned, "inferior" mouths. Caudal fin variation depends on whether the fish's body is more streamlined, whether it is a predator, what type of habitat it is from, etc. caudal fins. The adipose fin is only present on some fish, such as tetras, catfish and salmon.


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