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Angelfish, Freshwater
   Pterophyllum scalare

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Origin: South America   |   Approx Size: 4 inches


   My Experience (summary of my own keeping)

Comparing the experience I have had with angelfish to what my friends and relatives have had (these are popular fish), shows discrepancies and similarities in the fish's behavior based on the fish's natural temperament and how the fish's environment evokes the fish to act. In other words, the angelfish can be a devil in one aquarium environment and an angel in another. It seems as though if a young angelfish is introduced into an established aquarium with lush vegetation, it is liable to calmer behavior; whereas if an adult is allowed free range of a bare aquarium, it will be intolerant of newcomers.

In an environment with vegetation and stable tankmates, angelfish can still be bullies, but not to the fish. Sometimes, when cleaning my aquarium with a gravel vacuum, I will sometimes feel a small pinch on my arm. I will reel my arm back, look into the aquarium, and see the little angelfish staring at me. The fish is likely pecking at the air bubbles stuck to my arm, but it is still an inconvenient startle if I'm not expecting it.

Overall, angelfish are good additions to any community tank; just be careful to stock and maintain the environment properly.


   Basic Behavior (based upon observations, readings and conversations)



   Food Preference (brands and types)

Tetra® TetraMin® Tropical Flakes




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